Introducing, Risedle

Decentralized Leveraged Token Market Protocol

A simple way to generate leveraged gains from a variety of tokens without risk of liquidation and earn high yield on your stablecoins.

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Less Stressful,
Do More With Risedle

No more tedious collateral health monitoring and stop worrying about liquidation.

Enjoy Leverage Without Liquidations

Risedle Leveraged Tokens allows its holder to enjoy increased leverage without risk of liquidation

Risedle Leveraged Tokens →

0% Management Fees

Just like leveraging assets manually using lending protocol, you will not get charged for management fees.

Risedle Leveraged Tokens Fees →

Floating Leverage

Risedle's unique rebalancing mechanism designed to minimize loss due to frequent rebalancing.

Rebalancing Mechanism →

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About Risedle

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